Sparkfun Thing Plus Matter MGM240P help needed.

Hello everyone,

I encounter the following issue with the subject:

Integrated JLink OB on the board shall work as USB-to-TTL (UART) converter but it can’t do it reliably.

It misses a lot of transmitted by MGM240P data and sends unexpected obscure data to it every 2 seconds.

This completely breaks some important usage scenarios such as Radio Co-Processor or Network Co-Processor

also any OpenThread example with CLI is unusable.

Using external USB-to-TTL converter fixes the issue but I want to use integrated JLink OB for this purpose.

So, any suggestions on that, maybe newer firmware for JLink OB exists?

Sometimes, issues with data transmission can be due to buffer sizes and lack of flow control. Check if the JLink OB supports hardware flow control (RTS/CTS) and configure it accordingly.