Sparkfun Thing Plus NINA B306 bricked by "blink" sketch

Hi, I just got the new Thing Plus, with the B306 Bluetooth and all the nice sensors on board. I uploaded a BME280test sketch, which didn’t seem to work, so I loaded the most-basic blink sketch from the standard Arduino examples.

This seemed to work. The onboard blue LED started flashing.

But… It now won’t connect by USB. Windows doesn’t give the USB-connect noise when it’s plugged in. Hitting “Reset” or holding “Reset” for 20 seconds doesn’t bring it back to USB connectivity. I tried two different USB cables on two different computers. No friendly USB noise when plugging it in.

Is there a button-push combination that will restore the USB connection so I can reprogram it with something else? I’m using Arduino 2.0.4, if that makes a difference.

There are several libraries that need to be used … ware-setup - make sure to grab those and give it another try?

You can also try pulling the RST pin LOW to try and reset

Thanks. I have the libraries. At least all of the ones that seem relevant to what I want to do. (The hookup guide is silent on the WS2812 LED onboard, for example.)

Reset does nothing for this board, except obviously restart the blink sketch that’s running.

I searched for advice on the M4 processor. I found an Adafruit page which says that double-clicking Reset will restart the bootloader.

Yes, it does something when I double-click. The onboard LED starts flashing at a higher rate. But it doesn’t connect to USB so there’s still no chance of uploading a new sketch onto it.

Try following the instructions exactly, getting the board package and all 5 libraries, and try the BLE datapipe example given

Also try to using the RST pin pulled to GND as mentioned…any change?

Well, I’ve finally worked it out. If the unit is plugged in and then immediately you double-click the reset button, then it connects to the USB and can be reprogrammed.

It seems like the full reset capability is locked out after a certain amount of time connected to power.

I’ve asked Sparkfun customer support to add this information to the hookup guide, via email.