SparkFun Thing Plus - XBee3 Micro (Chip Antenna)

Please advise which pins on Your above board can be used in a line passing application.

I have gone through a half a dozen boards only to end up with bricked up goods, not good to man or beast.

Initially based on Digi statement that line passing takes place between corresponding pins I looked at possible pin states and tried using pins which could be configured as both inputs and outputs ( this includes serial port and SPI port pins ) to whihc XCTU environment did not object, however it seems it is an illegal state of things.

So please clarify which pins can be used in line passing.

Been a while since I’ve played with these, I think you have to load the 802.15.4 firmware for it to work.

The links below might be helpful. … 002279.pdf … -with-xbee … s-and-xctu

Also, the pins are 3.3 volt only, more than that will damage the board.

Yes, load the 802.15.4. firmware.

Then, see if this helps: … witch-xbee

Thank You Yellow Dog and bow.

My main problem is a need for a definitive statement on which pins can be used for line passing.

It seems SPI and UART pins can not be used for line passing or rather they may be abl to be used for line passing but as soon as uart pins are repurposed the module is bricked up, the boot loader is no longer available for programming work.

Further info from DIGI themselves:

“… Digital line passing is only available on pins DIO 0 through DIO 12. You cannot use UART and SPI pins for line passing. …”

Any UART pins which purport to be within the above range are out of bounds if used will BRICK UP the processor.