SparkX Swarm Arduino Library -- Pass Prediction


The Arduino code seems to form the URL to celestrak correctly and I can use it in a browser to get the TLE data.

However, code 301 indicates a problem.

How to deal with this issue?

From the Serial Monitor:

WiFi connected!

17:17:44.853 → Requesting the Swarm TLE data from CelesTrak

17:17:44.853 → HTTP URL is: … FORMAT=TLE

17:17:46.868 → [HTTP] GET… code: 301

17:17:46.868 → The Swarm TLE data has been saved to SD card

DIR : System Volume Information

17:18:06.249 → FILE: swarmPP.txt SIZE: 202603

17:18:06.249 → FILE: mySwarm.txt SIZE: 0

17:18:06.249 → FILE: swarmTLE.txt SIZE: 0

301 usually occurs when an URL is permanently moved. But this seems to be not the problem here. Hopefully, team sparkfun will look into this matter.

Hi @alien1,

Thanks for reporting this issue. I am seeing the same thing. I have opened an issue for it on GitHub: … /issues/27

Best wishes,


Solved! Please see GitHub for the solution.

I will update the library examples and create a new release shortly…

Best wishes,
