Spectral Sensor SPX 17719 and ESP32

I have no idea what the problem is but the SPX 17719 causes the ESP32 ( I tried several different boards) to get stuck in a reset loop. The problem seems to be something with “wire” . It works with other processors. I moved wire.begin before any print statements and it hangs there. If I do a print before wire.begin it prints to the monitor before resetting.


SparkX products can be tricky to troubleshoot, as they are experimental designs/code - if it’s working with other boards, there might be an issue with the ESP32 library and ‘wire’; try sharing the code being used and perhaps someone with experience using these 2 might be able to offer a solution

The file that caused the boot loop was the included example 2 Basic Count Measurement and I am including a log file of the boards output. The program compiled with no errors and uploaded with no errors. The same board works with other I2C boards with no problem.
ESP32_Reboot_Log.txt (9.48 KB) . I have also now had a problem with the LSM6DS0.
