Spectral Triad (AS7265x), Is there a way to filter out high light conditions?

I’m new to this sensor so forgive my ignorance. For the Spectral Triad: https://www.sparkfun.com/products/15050 is there a way to filter out high light conditions? For instance when I measure two similarly colored objects in direct sunlight and in shade the readings are obviously very different. Does the gain setting affect this?

Yes, the gain setting will change how the data is compared to the calibration. Be sure to go through each example in the hookup guide https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/sp … y-overview , especially example 3 - Settings, where the gain settings are adjustable.

It looks like the default gain is 16x…you might create some code where it has a low-ight mode utilizing 16x and try the 3.7x or 1x for the high-light condition?