Spectral Triad (AS7265x), PWR and STAT LEDs on, but no connection registered

I’m using the AS7265x and have run into a problem. I think I may have fried the sensor at some point (though I’m not sure what I did), but I figured I would check before ordering another. I’m using the provided library to run the sensor and when I connect it the lights come on as usual. When I run the code (identical to example 2 from the library) it stops in the setup and says the sensor isn’t connected. I’ve used the code with several Arduinos to make sure that wasn’t the problem. A co-worker pointed out that the way I attached it to a 3d printed mount might have shorted it (I was using 6-32 button head screws). The sensor had been working for several days after I mounted it. Is this a problem anyone has run into before? Is the sensor done for?

I just now noticed an earlier post that covers a similar problem: viewtopic.php?f=147&t=49494. I tried the recommended method there to check whether or not the Arduino was seeing the device on the I2C bus, and the device is not being seen, though the power and stat lights are both on.

It’s possible a screw might have worked it’s way through the soldermask and created a short.

You might try it without the screws to see if if comes back to life, if it does, try insulating washers to see if the problem stays away. If it doesn’t, the board probably got fried. :frowning:

The problem persisted after the screws were removed. That’s a bummer. Live and learn, I guess.