Spectrometer for field


Can SparkFun Triad Spectroscopy Sensor - AS7265x be used for detection of materials outdoors? Does it have diffraction grating?

If not then I am thinking of building a small spectroscope which has powerful light source which when directed toward material will bounce off and go through a slit and can produce diffraction pattern.

What type of light will be required? Do you have such powerful LEDs?



Consider building the Public Lab spectrometer. It is easy to make and works fairly well. The diffraction grating is made from a DVD disk.


Can SparkFun Triad Spectroscopy Sensor - AS7265x be used for detection of materials outdoors?


Does it have diffraction grating?

That I don’t know for sure, the [data sheet seems to indicate it has some sort of filter for each sensor.

What type of light will be required? Do you have such powerful LEDs?

If you’re outside, you might consider using sunlight. There are some LEDs on board but if you need something brighter, a regular incandescent light bulb might work.](https://cdn.sparkfun.com/assets/c/2/9/0/a/AS7265x_Datasheet.pdf)