Stepoko Troubleshooting

I am trying for the last time to get a Stepoko that was purchased for me to work and could use any troubleshooting help out there I can find.

I have no movement on the motors. I have checked the wiring to the board. I can see the board in the universal g-code sender. I can see that the board is communicating to computer as board is acknowledging commands with ok. On the board I can see the step light come on for the axis receiving the commands. It is very dim led but you can see it light up for what I assume is the duration of the movement. I have validated that I have one coil connected to A+ and A- and one to B+ and B- for each stepper motor.

I would give up but it was a gift by my grandchildren and would like to verify it is dead before I tell them their present failed to operate.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. I know this board is obsolete and am unable to get Sparkfun support any help would be appreciated.

Bill Conroy

Hi Bill.

Make sure you have an E-Stop switch connected and that it’s closed. Also verify you have 24 volt power connected to the barrel jack or the screw terminals on the board.

The motors won’t run unless those two conditions are met.

I have the voltage supply provided by Sparkfun. Any recommendations on what eswitch. I have all the parts that came with your deluxe kit and don’t remember the eswitch.

I went out to device. I do have the eSwitch connected and I do get the green led on board to light up when I close switch. It has been present and do have it closed with green led during the testing.

Any on/off toggle switch will work, you just need it in the closed position for the motors to run. (Opening the switch will disable the motors, closing will enable.)

If I recall correctly, we used [this switch with the kit when we carried it.](Toggle Switch - COM-09276 - SparkFun Electronics)

Thanks, that is the switch and I see the Green led activate when its toggled on. Still nothing on any of the 3 motors

Do the motors get hard to turn and warm up at all when the switch is closed?

What happens if you manually jog the motors in universal gcode sender?

The motors get hard to turn and jogging the motors in g-code is how I am testing them. I see the x, y, and z axis numbers changing and see the step less light up on board but no movement with motors.