This problem has been plaguing Arduino users for years judging from a Google search on the phrase “stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding”.
I am using Mac OS-X Mavericks 10.9 and a Mac-mini and trying to upload my sketch to either a SparkFun nano or a regulation UNO.
Here is what I have tried so far as recommended by many forum users:
Have tried different cables thru a hub and direct connections.
Have disabled the Mac usb driver /System/Library/Extensions/usb.kext
Have uploaded the latest FTDI usb driver into /Library/Extensions/FTDIUSBSerialDriver.kext.
Have uploaded the Chinese CH34x usb driver (out of sheer desperation). Not sure where they reside…
Have tried hitting the reset button (on the UNO).
Uploaded the latest avrdude (brew install avrdude).
Something is working…
Can see the Arduino hardware in About-This-Mac/USB device tree.
In /dev is see: cu.usbmodem1411 and tty.usbmodem1411 when I connect my Arduino hardware.
In Arduino/Tools/Ports I see the cu.usbmodem1411 only, not the tty.usbmodem1411.
What really hurts is that this was working last year on the same machine/OS. In fact, I “borrowed” the nano out of a previously working project , again out of desperation, to guarantee I had working hardware. Also, last year I was able to program some cheap UNO knockoffs.
Hopefully someone can point me in the correct direction - before I take a sledge hammer to some perfectly good Arduino parts and turn them back into silicone dioxide.