Support for ads1219 on sparkfun IoT Logger

Are there by any change plans for support of ADS1219 on the QWIIC bus?
Even after update ting the firmware to 01.02.00 the list of supported devices is large but unfortunately not the ADS1219. I saw it on sparkX and it really fitted my needs.
Or is there a way to add support for it in the sources of the firmware?

It might be added IF the ADS1219 becomes a permanent/non-SparkX board (regular stock), which generally depends on how fast the SparkX version sells…so hopefully folks buy 'em!

Hello TS-Russel,

This is a bit unfortunate and somewhat of a chicken and egg problem.
The ADS1219 boards are out of stock almost everywhere.

I’ve ordered a dozen ADS1219’s and soldered one on a board.
I would be happy to add the support to the firmware myself but then I do need the sources of the firmware and some hints on building.

Is that something that could be arranged?

Kind regards,
Joost Böhm

Here’s the IoT FW src Releases · sparkfun/SparkFun_DataLogger · GitHub and the ADS library GitHub - sparkfun/SparkFun_ADS1219_Arduino_Library: An Arduino Library for the ADS1219 24-Bit 4-Channel 1-kSPS ADC from TI - requires the SparkFun Toolkit

And then if you get it going you can do a merge request in that same repo :slight_smile:

Hi TS-Russel,
Unfortunately, the first repo you hinted me to, has no source code for the firmware.
Could you give me a link to the repo with the source code?