Surveyor Express with iOS iPhone 12

Hi, I am in the process of purchasing 2 units Surveyor Express units for RTK with accessories (as specified) including telemetry radios. While the goods get shipped to Australia, I wanted to understand how to set the unit (or my iPhone) up to show my real time Lat/Long and Elevation position on my iPhone 12 (so I can take a screenshot of specific data points) which I will enter on Google Earth when I am back in the office. Can you recommend an iOS app(s) that would show this information and that can be connected with little fuss? Ideally an app like SW Maps but for iOS would be the ultimate, if you know of any? Also will I have to do any system configuration for this to work with iOS operation?

Thanks in advance :smiley:

(Looking forward to it:+1:)

U-blox’s software, U-Center, is currently a Windows-only product…if you don’t have access to a Windows machine, there’s a potential workaround here … -osx-wine/

As for apps…the ones we recommend are Android-based - but a a quick browse through the iOS store shows some useful reviews (most people that get the $300 one say it works well, the cheap ones have mixed reviews)

Another option is that it might be easier to just acquire an android ‘go-phone’ and use that.

Hope this helps!

Thanks for the reply. I have a windows pc so that should sort out the u-center requirement. Can you pm me the name of the $300 iOS App for my info? Thanks again.