What is the difference (under the LOG to File) on SW Maps of
[SW Maps GNSS] vs. your setting of [Generic NMEA (Bluetooth LE) ?
Be sure to upgrade to SW Maps 3. It’s SO great. Are you talking about instrument model? Instrument model doesn’t mean much. It’s helpful, perhaps, in the future for SW Maps to know what’s connected so perhaps it can send config strings, but I’m not the app dev. For now any instrument model with RTK will enable the NTRIP client.
In SW Maps GNSS Status it has Reference Station ID :9901 in the Map View of SW Maps it shows the Satellite with PPP-GAL I’ve had the Torch outside for about 10 minutes and no RTK-FIX like when using NTRIP
PPP-GAL means you’re getting PPP convergence using HAS over E6. The Torch is so good it gets free corrections. However, other users have found that HAS is good but not nearly as good as a true, near station RTK Fix. You can disable E6 reception to prevent this, and I recommend doing so so that you don’t confuse a ‘good fix’ from HAS with a ‘good fix’ from PointPerfect SSR.
Next - why aren’t you getting an RTK-Fix from PointPerfect SSR? It can take time. 10 to 15 minutes is not unheard of. We’ve found the PointPerfect service over IP to be good but not stellar. If you really want to dig into the weeds, and since you’re familiar with the serial terminal interface, then enable corrections debugging:
‘s’ for system menu
‘h’ for hardware debug
10 to enable correction debugging
This will turn on a handful of additional messages including when corrections from PointPerfect are successfully sent to the GNSS receiver:
Connecting WiFi...
WiFi 'sparkfun-iot' IP address:, RSSI: -48
Rover Accuracy (m): 1.188, SIV: 33 GNSS State: 3D Fix
Batt (96%): Voltage: 8.12V Charging: -0.41%/hr
Rover Accuracy (m): 1.188, SIV: 33 GNSS State: 3D Fix
HTTP Client stopping
Days until PointPerfect keys expire: 40
E (166168) wifi:NAN WiFi stop
Network delaying 7 seconds before connection
Batt (96%): Voltage: 8.12V Charging: -0.38%/hr
Rover Accuracy (m): 1.188, SIV: 33 GNSS State: 3D Fix
Rover Accuracy (m): 1.188, SIV: 33 GNSS State: 3D Fix
Rover Accuracy (m): 1.189, SIV: 33 GNSS State: 3D Fix
Batt (96%): Voltage: 8.12V Charging: -0.27%/hr
Rover Accuracy (m): 1.189, SIV: 33 GNSS State: 3D Fix
Connecting WiFi...
WiFi 'sparkfun-iot' IP address:, RSSI: -51
Rover Accuracy (m): 1.189, SIV: 34 GNSS State: 3D Fix
Batt (96%): Voltage: 8.12V Charging: -0.50%/hr
Rover Accuracy (m): 1.189, SIV: 34 GNSS State: 3D Fix
PointPerfect Library Online: Point_Perfect_SDK-ESP32-BLD21-v1.11.4
Batt (96%): Voltage: 8.12V Charging: -0.48%/hr
Rover Accuracy (m): 1.189, SIV: 34 GNSS State: 3D Fix
Rover Accuracy (m): 1.189, SIV: 34 GNSS State: 3D Fix
Batt (96%): Voltage: 8.12V Charging: -0.38%/hr
Rover Accuracy (m): 1.189, SIV: 34 GNSS State: 3D Fix
Rover Accuracy (m): 1.254, SIV: 34 GNSS State: 3D Fix
Rover Accuracy (m): 1.253, SIV: 34 GNSS State: 3D Fix
Batt (96%): Voltage: 8.12V Charging: -0.27%/hr
PointPerfect corrections sent to GNSS.
Rover Accuracy (m): 0.956, SIV: 34 GNSS State: DGPS Fix
Rover Accuracy (m): 0.928, SIV: 34 GNSS State: DGPS Fix
PointPerfect corrections sent to GNSS.
Batt (96%): Voltage: 8.12V Charging: -0.24%/hr
Rover Accuracy (m): 0.486, SIV: 34 GNSS State: DGPS Fix
Rover Accuracy (m): 0.478, SIV: 34 GNSS State: DGPS Fix
Rover Accuracy (m): 0.481, SIV: 34 GNSS State: DGPS Fix
PointPerfect corrections sent to GNSS.
Batt (96%): Voltage: 8.12V Charging: -0.21%/hr
Rover Accuracy (m): 0.513, SIV: 34 GNSS State: DGPS Fix
And ~60 seconds later:
PointPerfect corrections sent to GNSS.
Rover Accuracy (m): 1.118, SIV: 34 GNSS State: RTK Float
Rover Accuracy (m): 1.088, SIV: 34 GNSS State: RTK Float
PointPerfect corrections sent to GNSS.
Batt (96%): Voltage: 8.12V Charging: -0.05%/hr
STATE_ROVER_RTK_FLOAT --> STATE_ROVER_FIX, 2025-03-20 17:00:51.065
Rover Accuracy (m): 0.433, SIV: 34 GNSS State: DGPS Fix
STATE_ROVER_FIX --> STATE_ROVER_RTK_FLOAT, 2025-03-20 17:00:52.076
Rover Accuracy (m): 1.059, SIV: 34 GNSS State: RTK Float
PointPerfect corrections sent to GNSS.
Rover Accuracy (m): 1.029, SIV: 34 GNSS State: RTK Float
Batt (96%): Voltage: 8.12V Charging: -0.03%/hr
Rover Accuracy (m): 1.014, SIV: 34 GNSS State: RTK Float
STATE_ROVER_RTK_FLOAT --> STATE_ROVER_RTK_FIX, 2025-03-20 17:00:58.002
Rover Accuracy (m): 0.016, SIV: 34 GNSS State: RTK Fix
PointPerfect corrections sent to GNSS.
Batt (96%): Voltage: 8.12V Charging: -0.02%/hr
Rover Accuracy (m): 0.016, SIV: 34 GNSS State: RTK Fix
Rover Accuracy (m): 0.015, SIV: 34 GNSS State: RTK Fix
Fix is achieved. The Torch is great, but the lack of display means it’s hard to see what’s going on. If you have access to an Android device, consider using a Bluetooth Terminal to do serial stuff in the field.