Proper working PointPerfect PPP correction on RTK Torch looks like....?

I have a new RTK Torch, and had the trial working for Point Perfect corrections working, but before I head all the way to the farm (45 min drive one way) I wanted to confirm all is well.

Well seems like my validation is failing? [ Days until Keys Expire: No RTC ]
I should have around 38 days left…

So I exited it restarted… and on boot up messages … Days until PointPerfect keys expire: 35

Do you sometimes need to “Reboot” the Torch several times to get the Key to Count/Activate?

Or does it display the “NO RTC” for the first 5 minutes before the key activates?
SparkFun RTK Torch v2.1
** Bluetooth SPP and BLE broadcasting as: Torch Rover-7CC2 **
Menu: Main

  1. Configure GNSS Receiver
  2. Configure GNSS Messages
  3. Configure Base
  4. Configure Ports
  5. Configure WiFi
  6. Configure TCP/UDP
    f) Firmware Update
    i) Configure Corrections Priorities
    p) Configure PointPerfect
    r) Configure Radios
    s) Configure System
    t) Configure Instrument Setup
    u) Configure User Profiles
    +) Enter Command line mode
    x) Exit

Menu: PointPerfect Corrections
Days until keys expire: No RTC

  1. PointPerfect Corrections: Enabled
  2. Toggle Auto Key Renewal: Enabled
  3. Request Key Update: Not requested
  4. Use localized distribution: Enabled
  5. Localized distribution tile level: 5 (250 x 250km high density)
    c) Clear the Keys
    i) Show device ID
    k) Manual Key Entry
    g) Geographic Region: US
    x) Exit

EVERYTHING is working, just concerned about the KEY and how it works. Since there is no Display on status… once again, yes I’m on iPHONE so I really need to consider getting a low cost ANDROID Tablet…

Should I just expect the key to be working after 5 minutes?

I freaked out the exact same way one day.
The Torch doesn’t have an onboard real-time clock (RTC), so it needs to see a Satellite to know the Time/Date to calculate the Days until Keys Expire.

Take it outside for a minute then check your Keys :wink:

Yes, I booted up inside the house, watching config on Serial USB, and it did renew the key. However when I took it outside, it stayed in SINGLE MODE on SW MAPS for 15 minutes before I powered off the TORCH, Restarted the Torch. I got DPGS in a few seconds, RTK FLOAT in about 3-4 minutes… waiting to see RTK FIX yet… but the unit is only 14ft away from house so maybe it will stay FLOAT. … hmm just went back to DGPS… now RTK FLOAT… I guess I need to take it to my test bed 155ft markers that are 50+ feet from house.

Most states have free NTRIP casters that you can leverage. I’m able to get RTK FIX in a couple seconds using my state’s service for free.

Unfortunately in Tennessee the State Provided service is only for their Contractors doing Highway work. I have requested the Tennessee Forestry and Ag Departments consider getting the service available for us Farmers, but no luck yet I did find an NTRIP caster that is close to our home that works, but it’s too farm from our farm & forest. … rural living…

I took the RTK Torch, put it on my 3 Meter pole (yes Three) and took it to my 155ft test points in a more open area. It got to RTK FIX in under 5 minutes. I did turn off “CLASSIC” Blue tooth and set Torch to BLE only for Bluetooth. The iPhone seemed to stay connected better, but not if it was on my holder on the pole. If the iPhone is directly under the torch and 2 meters away, the bluetooth connection seems to drop. If I hold the iPhone in my hand a few feet away it stays connected much better than when both BLE and CLASSIC were turned on … in this one sample test… not conclusive.

It does appear you need to have the Torch outside for better chance of PointPerfect connections coming thru, and getting a time stamp from satellites.

Conclusions - Point Perfect Corrections - boot up outside
- use PC Serial connection to see what’s going on, but really need to be outside not at your desk
- Seems iPhone and SW Maps stay connected better if CLASSIC is turned off and only BLE is on for bluetooth
- There may be a dead zone or weak zone for bluetooth directly under torch if your Torch and phone or tablet are directly underneath