Yesterday morning SparkFun Registered my RTK Torch for PointPerfect corrections.
All day it still said I was not white listed
I put the Torch on Wifi and did the WEB configuration several times and let it sit, but still reports (Via Serial USB )
[This device is not whitelisted. Please contact or goto RTK Torch Registration and Renewal to get the subscription activated. Please reference device ID: AC1518927CC203]
Below is an image for the PointPerfect configuration I put in via WiFI HTTPS configuration tool
I then SAVE then RESET and also have tried save, reset, wifi, then wait, Poweroff Power on, Wifi
also tried Save, RESET, Poweroff, Power On, Wifi …
Still get not white listed approximately 24 hours after SparkFun setup my account?
Do I have a sequence of steps problem, or does it take 48 hours to get whitelisting to flow out to PointPerfect?
I still haven’t put down my credit card yet, this is the first free 30 days I am trying out.
Do I need to have it set to Enable WiFI on boot up? I need to double click on Torch boot up to turn on WiFi