PointPerfect Not White Listed

Yesterday morning SparkFun Registered my RTK Torch for PointPerfect corrections.
All day it still said I was not white listed

I put the Torch on Wifi and did the WEB configuration several times and let it sit, but still reports (Via Serial USB )

[This device is not whitelisted. Please contact support@sparkfun.com or goto RTK Torch Registration and Renewal to get the subscription activated. Please reference device ID: AC1518927CC203]

Below is an image for the PointPerfect configuration I put in via WiFI HTTPS configuration tool

I then SAVE then RESET and also have tried save, reset, wifi, then wait, Poweroff Power on, Wifi
also tried Save, RESET, Poweroff, Power On, Wifi …

Still get not white listed approximately 24 hours after SparkFun setup my account?

Do I have a sequence of steps problem, or does it take 48 hours to get whitelisting to flow out to PointPerfect?

I still haven’t put down my credit card yet, this is the first free 30 days I am trying out.

Do I need to have it set to Enable WiFI on boot up? I need to double click on Torch boot up to turn on WiFi

So Nathan from SparkFun fixed this in seconds… his eyesight is clearly better than mine. In typing my registration I transposed a 9 and an 8, which in small font and old eyes were hard to detect!!! Recommendation to us Torch Newbies, use CUT AND PASTE to avoid typing and eyesight errors!! Thanks Nathan

Message stream on Boot up… after messages about firmware, wifi etc

Days until PointPerfect keys expire: 41

Yeah, now to get out in the field to try it!!!

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