Unable to get RTK Fix with RTK Torch

I can only get RTK Float with my RTK Torch. I am using Point Perfect for corrections. I am running SWmaps from an iPad that is connected to my home WiFi (I have only used it in my yard so far). I have used the RTK Torch several times and have let it operate for up to a few hours at a time but so far I have never been able to get more than RTK Float. I inevitably lose the float connection as I move around the yard and then have to wait 30 minutes or more before I get the RTK Float again. The delays caused by losing the correction data and inability to use the tilt feature make this a bit disappointing, to say the least.

Are there obstructions in the area? (tress, buildings, etc?)

Can you hotspot the torch to you phone/tablet and test it somewhere else to rule out interference?

I’ve tried it in an open field and the results were the same. I also connected it to my phone (iPhone11) hotspot, same results.
I updated to firmware v1.3, reset all settings to default, and reconfigured the device. I placed the device outside and after about 15 minutes, I was able to get an RTK Fix (first time ever!) that lasted for about 1 minute but then it fell back to RTK Float and DGPS. While it was in RTK Float, accuracy was as much as six feet, but then it would change to DGPS and instantly the accuracy improved down to a few inches. I left it on for about another hour and it kept changing between RTK Float and DGPS.

Could this be an issue with the NMEA or RTCM messages? I am using SWMaps and the NMEA message settings are:

  1. Message GPDTM: 0
  2. Message GPGBS: 0
  3. Message GPGGA: 0.25
  4. Message GPGLL: 0
  5. Message GPGNS: 0
  6. Message GPGRS: 0
  7. Message GPGSA: 0.25
  8. Message GPGST: 0.25
  9. Message GPGSV: 0.25
  10. Message GPRMC: 0.25
  11. Message GPROT: 0
  12. Message GPTHS: 0
  13. Message GPVTG: 0
  14. Message GPZDA: 0

All RTCMRover messages are 0.

The other settings are are follows:

platformPrefix Torch
rtkFirmwareVersion v1.3
gnssFirmwareVersion UM980 Firmware: 11833 ID: ff3be09657901a8b
gnssFirmwareVersionInt 11833
deviceBTID Device Bluetooth ID: F86E
antennaHeight_mm 1800
antennaPhaseCenter_mm 115.70
coordinateInputType 0
fixedAltitude REDACTED
fixedLong REDACTED
observationSeconds 60
observationPositionAccuracy 5.00
surveyInStartingAccuracy 2.0
shutdownNoChargeTimeout 0
enableBeeper true
bluetoothRadioType 2
correctionsSourcesLifetime 30
correctionsPriority_External Radio 2
correctionsPriority_ESP-Now 3
correctionsPriority_LoRa Radio 4
correctionsPriority_Bluetooth 0
correctionsPriority_TCP (NTRIP) 5
correctionsPriority_L-Band 6
correctionsPriority_IP (PointPerfect/MQTT) 1
enableEspNow false
espnowBroadcast false
espnowPeerCount 0
espnowPeer_0 00:00:00:00:00:00
espnowPeer_1 00:00:00:00:00:00
espnowPeer_2 00:00:00:00:00:00
espnowPeer_3 00:00:00:00:00:00
espnowPeer_4 00:00:00:00:00:00
autoFirmwareCheckMinutes 1440
enableAutoFirmwareUpdate true
enableNtripClient false
ntripClientCasterHost rtk2go.com
ntripClientCasterPort 2101
ntripClientCasterUser test@test.com
ntripClientMountPoint bldr_SparkFun1
ntripClientTransmitGGA true
enableNtripServer false
ntripServerCasterHost_0 rtk2go.com
ntripServerCasterPort_0 2101
ntripServerCasterPort_1 2101
ntripServerCasterPort_2 2101
ntripServerCasterPort_3 2101
ntripServerCasterUser_0 test@test.com
ntripServerMountPoint_0 REDACTED (DEFAULT SETTING?)
rebootMinutes 0
autoKeyRenewal true
enablePointPerfectCorrections true
geographicRegion 0
profileName newProfile
dynamicModel 0
minCNO 10
minElev 10
dataPortBaud 115200
enableGnssToUsbSerial false
radioPortBaud 57600
disableSetupButton false
lastState 0
enableTcpClient false
tcpClientPort 2948
enableTcpServer false
tcpServerPort 2948
timeZoneHours 0
timeZoneMinutes 0
timeZoneSeconds 0
enableUdpServer false
udpServerPort 10110
enableGalileoHas false
enableTiltCompensation true
constellation_BeiDou true
constellation_Galileo true
constellation_GLONASS true
constellation_GPS true
constellation_QZSS true
wifiConfigOverAP true
wifiNetwork_0SSID REDACTED
wifiNetwork_0Password REDACTED
wifiNetwork_1SSID REDACTED
wifiNetwork_1Password REDACTED
wifiNetwork_2SSID REDACTED
wifiNetwork_2Password REDACTED
wifiNetwork_3SSID REDACTED
wifiNetwork_3Password REDACTED
useLocalizedDistribution true
localizedDistributionTileLevel 5
useAssistNow true
requestKeyUpdate false
baseTypeSurveyIn true
baseTypeFixed false
fixedBaseCoordinateTypeECEF true
fixedBaseCoordinateTypeGeo false
measurementRateHz 2.00
lastState 0
profileName newProfile
profileNumber 0
profile0Name 1: newProfile
profile1Name 2:
profile2Name 3:
profile3Name 4:
profile4Name 5:
profile5Name 6:
profile6Name 7:
profile7Name 8:
wifiConfigOverAP 1
minCNO 10
enableRCFirmware false
sdFreeSpace 0 B
sdSize 0 B
sdMounted false
daysRemaining 35
geodeticLat REDACTED
geodeticLon REDACTED
geodeticAlt REDACTED
radioMAC 64:B7:08…
batteryIconFileName src/Battery1_Charging.png
batteryPercent +45%

What is your approximate location? Your county or nearest city is sufficient. I just want to be sure you are within the coverage area.

While it was in RTK Float, accuracy was as much as six feet, but then it would change to DGPS and instantly the accuracy improved down to a few inches.

This sounds really odd. Perhaps the wrong correction MQTT topic is being subscribed to based on your location.

Please try enabling correction debugging: s for system menu, then h for hardware debug menu, then enable Print Correction Debugging using ‘10’.

You should see output like this:

Pushing 284 bytes from /pp/ip/us topic to PPL for UM980
Pushing 2050 bytes from /pp/ip/us topic to PPL for UM980
Pushing 1689 bytes from /pp/ip/us topic to PPL for UM980
Pushing 1672 bytes from /pp/ip/us topic to PPL for UM980
Pushing 2047 bytes from /pp/ip/us topic to PPL for UM980
Pushing 776 bytes from /pp/ip/us topic to PPL for UM980
Received 615 RTCM bytes from PPL. Pushing to the GNSS.

The delays caused by losing the correction data and inability to use the tilt feature make this a bit disappointing, to say the least.

Sorry! RTK Fix is required due to the nature of the math behind tilt compensation. You just can’t do the math without it.