Swarm M138 poor RSSI

I just started testing my M138 and not having much luck. Plugged into my laptop (so powered by USB-C), connected to the large ground plane and antenna (as supplied) with supplied SMA to UFL. Connected the GPS sticky label. When I check my RSSI (noise) it’s always between 70 and 80dB and needless to say, I can’t transmit (message remains in the output queue even after hours - and yes, I’ve checked the flyover scheduler to make sure sats are visible). I have a clear view of the sky. The docs say the noise figure should be better but how do you get it better?

Any ideas?

Hi greg.g,

It sounds like you are in a very noisy environment - electrically speaking? Could you be standing close to ‘noisy’ equipment, anything containing a motor for example (like an air conditioning unit)?

For best results, the antenna needs a clear view of the sky. And the antenna + ground plane should be at least a meter above ground level - or any solid surfaces. (Please see the recent Swarm blog post for more details: https://www.sparkfun.com/news/4860 )

Could your laptop be causing the interference? Could you try a longer USB cable so the modem and antenna are positioned away from the laptop?

I have my antenna connected to the modem via 15m of RG58 low-loss coax cable. The antenna is up on the roofline, the modem and laptop are in the warm and dry… It works well. Maybe you could try something similar?

Best wishes,
