I am really weak in networks how ever I tried to creat some tcp application by connecting telit gsm module to my local server
when I send this string to the modem it malefunction and I never get connect
AT#SD=1,0,2333,"MY server IP address ",0,0,0
I also get erorr when I try to send email
but I can open a socket connection in command mode
AT#SD=1,0,2333,"MY server IP address ",0,0,1
Iget OK back from the modem and then I can send data to the server though the internet however I got error after I accept incoming connection from the server
AT#SD=1,0,2333,"server IP ",0,0,1
AT#SA = 1,1
this are my gprs sittings
AT+CGDCONT=3,"IP","vodafone.com.qa", ""
+CGQREQ: 1,0,0,0,0,0
if any one have any Idea please help
I’ve noticed a similar problem with the 865 QUAD. If I use the newer command set, AT#SGACT=1,1 followed by AT#SD=1,0,80,“some host” the module will hang and give no CONNECT or ERROR. If I use the older commands, AT#GPRS=1 followed by AT#SKTD=0,80,“some host” it connects just fine. If I +++ escape out and then use the multisocket AT#SD version, it works just fine. Seems like the older commands are initializing something that the new commands are not? Has anyone else experienced this?