Tensorflow lite on Lora expLoRaBLE

Tensorflow lite is supported on the SparkFun Edge board. Since the LoRa expLoRaBLE has the same MCU, is it possible to run Tensorflow lite models on the board? I cannot find information regarding this, hence the question. How would one go about getting a model (for example, hello world) to run?

Not readily; there’s a list of TF-lite compatible MCUs here https://www.tensorflow.org/lite/microco … _low_level

That being said, with enough work and tinkering/altering board files, you might be able to get it going with

https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/pr … or-success see if you can get it to compile for the explorable

https://github.com/tensorflow/tflite-mi … ello_world then try to build

If you get that going, you can go try the other TF examples