Tensorflow lite is supported on the SparkFun Edge board. Since the LoRa expLoRaBLE has the same MCU, is it possible to run Tensorflow lite models on the board? I cannot find information regarding this, hence the question. How would one go about getting a model (for example, hello world) to run?
Not readily; there’s a list of TF-lite compatible MCUs here https://www.tensorflow.org/lite/microco … _low_level
That being said, with enough work and tinkering/altering board files, you might be able to get it going with
https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/pr … or-success see if you can get it to compile for the explorable
https://github.com/tensorflow/tflite-mi … ello_world then try to build
If you get that going, you can go try the other TF examples