The connection broken between M6e nano reader and a serial break out

I used to test with a M6e nano RFID reader and serial break out to connect with my computer. I used to solder the fishbone single row male header to reader for connection with serial break out. For now, I changed a new fishbone single row male header by soldering again. After that, my reader does not connect with the computer. Thus, i tested with a new reader , It works. I think the connection on the reader is broken . Is there any information to fixed that reader to get a connection back with my computer?

Did you remove the headers and replace them? It’s possible you might have lifted a trace and severed the connection if you did. :frowning:

Yes, I removed the header and replaced with a new header. If I made a mistake, Is there any way I can do to get a connection back.?

Can I use Arduino board to connect with my computer for URA software?

does the connection work with the Arduino ? How do you connect in that case ? What is the error you see when connecting to the URA? can you make a picture of the solder side serial connector?

does the connection work with the Arduino ? How do you connect in that case ? What is the error you see when connecting to the URA? can you make a picture of the solder side serial connector?

When I connected with the Arduino, It doesn’t work. I connect by using jumper.

The error while I connect the reader to URA via usb serial break out is “Please check if the device is properly connected or Device might be in use”.

I made solder at reader side.

looking at the solder picture : it looks that there is too much soldering on some of the points and then it connects/ short circuit between the connection point and the ground layer that is next to it. Try to remove solder especially around TXO, RXI and VCC and then use less solder on the connection point

Yes, Paul.

I will do as per your suggestion.

Will be back with good news :slight_smile: .