The lastest software for our RP2350 board - Pro Micro RP2350

The software development ecosystems were not fully supported with the RP2350 was launched, but this is rapidly developing.

Here is what we (SparkFun) are aware of:

  • A pico-sdk library that enables the use of PSRAM is here
  • A version of micropython that uses PSRAM is available here - see the releases section for the latest firmware, or build your own by using the branch feature/psram-sparkfun
  • Arduino support is now available using this Arduino Core on github earlephilhower/arduino-pico

As more information is available ,we’ll be sure to pass this on.


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Well, the git microython repo has no source references anywhere for the rp2350. Only the UF2 file. Could not find the feature/psram-sparkfun branch.

But I have some questions: What are the PSRAM start and end memory addresses? Is it contiguous? I should be able to read and write using the viper emitter pointers once I have these values.

Hi - The branch is there - just checked. You do need to use the branch search feature to find it - there’s a large number of branches.

Does this link help?

On the rp2350 - the psram is contiguous- the start address is defined here:

And the setup is in the corresponding c file.

The psram is added to the uPy allocator here:

Hope that helps!


Perfect! Thanks!

Seems that MICROPY_GC_SPLIT_HEAP is set to (0). Correct? That’s what I want.

Yes, that should be enabled.

I also fixed this in our micropython port - so the code and latest release now support “all the *ram” on the board.