can you send one with 1.3 or higher and i will return these.
Hi Pinball_Maker,
I’m afraid we only carry the WAV Trigger with the latest release version of the firmware (v1.28). We cannot send you WAV Triggers with versions of the firmware that are not full releases from Robertsonics. You can update the firmware on the WAV Trigger with a USB to Serial interface. There are instructions on how to do so in both the SparkFun [Hookup Guide and Robertsonics’ [User Guide. The full list of firmware releases can be viewed and downloaded from [this page.](](](WAV Trigger Hookup Guide V11 - SparkFun Learn)
Well, for starters, we buy stuff from vendors, you are a vendor, based on what we see in the documentation, in this case the documentation never said istrackplaying will only work with a version of the firmware you have to download, then buy more stuff and figure out how it works and upload it to your device and then hopefully it works and you haven’t ruined everything in the process.
We are hobbyists and as such we face enough hassle with what we buy to warrant even more hassle as described above.
Now, as to the buying the FTDI thing, well, I looked at the documentation you have for that and honestly, which pins go where are not adequately laid out. The Arduino part is shown but not the wavtrigger device.
And on my own I downloaded the robertsonics firmware updater utility and it immediately came up with “no USB ports” so I don’t know what that is all about.
So if I spend the 30 dollars on parts and shipping will somebody help me thru this?
In an ongoing attempt to improve the WAV Trigger, I continue to add features after the firmware is released to production by SparkFun, and I make these enhanced versions available for free on my website as soon as they become available. In this case, track reporting and support for isTrackPlaying() were added in firmware v1.30. The WAV Trigger online user guide clearly states which features were added in which version, and the README for the WAV Trigger Arduino Library states that the functions related for track reporting, including isTrackPlaying(), require v1.30 and above.
While you can use any TTL-level USB serial adaptor to update the firmware, the 6-pin serial connector on the WAV Trigger is designed to be pin-compatible with the FTDI Basic that SparkFun sells. The only thing you can do wrong is plug it in upside down. The firmware update procedure is documented in several places as TS-Mark has said.
Hope this helps.
Been using several of these for years now, and suddenly on an Arduino mega I get a hum after having it play for a while. I have tried to different board bought at different times and they each do the same thing, kind of fast beat sound. I tried a separate power supply for the trigger and that did not help. Any ideas?
Something has changed in your setup and that’s causing the hum. You need to track that down first.
It’s also possible whatever changed may have damaged the board, if that’s the case you’d need to replace the WAV trigger.
One thing you might try first is to add a [ground loop isolator between the WAV trigger and your amp, it could just be ground loop noise and an isolator will clear that up.](