there HAS to be a better way to make this thing, right?

waaaay back, when i realized i went insane about gym, i got this: … puter.html

it seemed like the perfect tool for OCD geeks like myself, something that tells you when and how long to rest between sets, if you getting better or stronger with each repeation .

although they do have a patent on it. … gZAC&cl=en

i just want to make something better for myself, it seems to me the entire unit alone is huge, bulky and redundant ,when you can use your phone instead, and have it communicate with it via bluetooth.

even the unit itself seems something that doesn’t need a wheel with lights inside it but just a sensor with mcu that can be attached on the weight itself.

You know, if you could strap your phone to the bar and it ran an app where you could input what weight you were lifting, that would probably do a lot. Use the accelerometer to monitor your lift profile, detect when you were getting tired, suggest a different lifting cadence, recommend you stop and rest etc. Could be a fun app to write.

I haven’t touched my power rack and weights regularly in close to 10 years. Maybe this will be the kickstart I need :slight_smile:

You know, if you could strap your phone to the bar and it ran an app where you could input what weight you were lifting, that would probably do a lot. Use the accelerometer to monitor your lift profile, detect when you were getting tired, suggest a different lifting cadence, recommend you stop and rest etc. Could be a fun app to write.

I haven’t touched my power rack and weights regularly in close to 10 years. Maybe this will be the kickstart I need :slight_smile:

ah… nope :slight_smile: i tend to steer my phone away from heavy objects that tend to fall down hard :slight_smile: this has to be a separate small and light object.