i have just got the example of LPC2378 LED blink from olimex website and i managed to compile and run it with yagarto/eclipse.
i am trying to use a timer interrupt delay but it doesnt work for me with the function “DWORD install_irq( DWORD IntNumber, void *HandlerAddr, DWORD Priority )” (inside irq.c of the example)…
any hints? any ready code for that?
more over how do we define interrupts on GCC Eclipse? is it:
void irqhandler (void)__irq or
void IRQ_Routine (void) __attribute__ ((interrupt("IRQ")));
I run Eclipse/yagarto with a LPC2148. Had a hell of a time getting interrupts (and other things) working at first. Finally got it all figured out and I’m having lots of fun with the ARM7. Eclipse has probably the nicest C editor I’ve ever used (and I’ve used a lot of them over the years), and GCC is great, but the debugger sucks pretty bad.
Have a look at these two pages at [my web-site. They may help you out, even though you use a different LPC model.
thanks for the reply.i ll have a thorough look to your website.in the mean time, i have a sample code that i used on this forum http://en.mikrocontroller.net/topic/173448#new…(scroll down to last post)
could plz have a look on it and tell me why the ISR doesn’t work…