Tiny AVR Programmer to an ATtiny10


I want to program an ATtiny10. Can I use jumper wires from my Tiny AVR Programmer to the ATtiny10 like I do for an ATtiny85?

Hello LEDLIT1.

We’ve never tried to program an ATtiny10 with the Tiny Programmer before but I think it would work. You would need to jumper wire to the correct pins since the pinout is different than the 45/85’s.

Did you have success programming the ATtiny-10?

I would like to use the programmer for a ATtiny-9 as well.

However, I believe the 9/10 has a single bi-directional data line whereas the 45/85 have separate MOSI/MISO lines for programming.

If you were succesful and have any helpful hints or links it would be appreciated.