Torch LoRa


I have two questions:

  1. Can someone tell me if the LoRa radio is working in the Sparkfun Torch? The beta version webpage said something about it not being active yet, and none of the new Torch documents say anything for or against this.

  2. Is the Torch LoRa radio compatible with the SparkFun LoRaSerial Kit - 915MHz (Enclosed) (WRL-20029)?

We already have a Sparkfun RTK GPS and would like to buy a second GPS to create a base/rover setup. It would be great if we could use our existing GPS as a base station and the Torch as the rover.



  1. So…kind of. The STM32’s LoRa does not look to be fully implemented yet … &type=code

…but the ESP32 can use ESP-Now … s/#esp-now which is implemented

  1. The very bottom of the above link makes think not, though it does look like it might be forthcoming?

You can still use the RTK GPS that you already have with the torch, see the above ESP-Now link…BT and Wifi are also options


Thank you for the reply. I don’t want to have to wait or test something that isn’t quite finished. I have decided to not get the torch at this time, but to get another RTK Facet and use the radios with that.