Connecting a Facet to a Torch using LoRa

I have the torch and facet - both work fine with field genius in rtk mode with cell service.

However, I can’t get the facet to transmit in base mode to the torch using the 1w Lora radio ( trying to transmit RTCM from facet to torch internal radio )

Anyone have suggestions on how to get them to communicate?

Welcome Wlk!

Which LoRa radio are you plugging into the Facet? The Torch internal LoRa radio uses a very different frequency hoping scheme from the LoRaSerial radios and won’t be compatible. If your range is short enough, the internal ESP-NOW radios can be used.

Thanks Sparky,

Does the Facet have the ESP Now embedded in it?

I didn’t see that as an option when configuring it.

Here are the ESP-Now configuration instructions for the Facet.

I’ve never used the ESP-Now radios, I have two Facets and use external radios, so I can’t vouch for this. But I have seen the configuration options in the menus.