I have an Olimex board LPC-E2214. I find there are quite a few things that are either unknown or confusing. I applied USB power to the board for the first time and it worked with some board test successfully. Now, when I am trying to program the flash using the Philips flash utility, the message says something like unable to connect to the board. The same error message appears when I click the “read device id” button in the Philips utility. I tried with 9600 and 19200 baud rate. The jumpers: DBG, BSL, JRST, DLS_EN are all shorted. Also, the jumpers BOOT0 and BOOT1 are shorted for pins 1 and 2. Can somebody help me setup the board and program the flash correctly, please? May be the baud rate and/or the jumper settings are not correct!! Thanks.