Troubleshooting the SparkFunMPL3115A2AdvancedExample

I have a MPL3115A2, an Arduino Pro 328 3.3V/8MHz, and an Arduino Pro Mini 328 3.3V/8MHz. I’m trying to run the SparkFunMPL3115A2AdvancedExample sketch, but I am running into some issues. Here’s what happened with the two boards.


With the MPL3115A2 and the Arduino Pro (328 3.3V/8MHz), and using the SparkFunMPL3115A2AdvancedExample sketch, I wired up the MPL3115A2 to the Arduino Pro using the wiring instructions in the sketch:

 Hardware setup:
 MPL3115A2 Breakout ------------ Arduino Mini Pro 3.3 V
 3.3V --------------------- 3.3V
  SDA ----------------------- A4
  SCL ----------------------- A5
 INT2 ----------------------- D4
 INT1 ----------------------- D5
  GND ---------------------- GND

When I run the sketch, some of the startup information is logged, then it gets to the countdown, and after the countdown reaches 0 the program gets stuck in a while loop. I added some debug logging, and the program gets hung up in this and never gets passed this while loop:

    while(digitalRead(int2Pin) == LOW)
      ; // Wait for interrupt event on int2Pin

int2Pin is defined as:

const int int2Pin = 5;

…and I have INT2 on the MPL3115A2 connected to D4 on the Arduino (per the hookup instructions)


The other thing I tried was using my Arduino ProMini (also 328 3.3V/8MHz), however the wiring instructions in the sketch:

 Hardware setup:
 MPL3115A2 Breakout ------------ Arduino Mini Pro 3.3 V
 3.3V --------------------- 3.3V
  SDA ----------------------- A4
  SCL ----------------------- A5
 INT2 ----------------------- D4
 INT1 ----------------------- D5
  GND ---------------------- GND

…do not match the pins on the Pro Mini. There’s no A4 and A5, and shouldn’t the SCL and SDA pins on the MPL3115A2 go to the SCL and SDA pins in the Pro Mini, not A4 and A5? I see there was a previous version of the Pro Mini, so that explains the wiring instructions, and I was wondering if there are updated wiring instructions for the current Pro Mini. (I’m not clear on what the correct connections are)

