Tsunami continuous Random play with auto start?

I am using a Tsunami Wav trigger for an outdoor public art exhibition in display gardens that goes for 6-months, it is solar powered and needs to operate within specific hours. I am trying to get a continuous random playback of a bank of files so that the sounds are always changing, rather than having a static piece which played through on repeat. I had thought to use a simple timer to turn the system on and off but have run into some problems.

I am having two issues:

One is that I can’t seem to work out how to continuously trigger the files to play randomly rather than just once through before stopping?

I have had this set up work before but can’t get it to work this time. I’m using the stereo firmware to randomly trigger a bank of files, but can only seem to get them to trigger once, on startup(invert) or with a shorted trigger(without invert selected).

Is this possible to do this without attaching an Arudino, so that it retriggers automatically?

The second issue is that powering off the system to click before having to manually reset. Is this a power supply issue? should I simply run them separately an only put the timer on the amp, functionally leaving the Tsunami on 24/7

The site is quite far away and I can’t manually restart every day.

Appreciate any advice!

1 - use the configurator https://robertsonics.com/tsunami-user-guide/ mentiuoned in step 5

2 - Powering them separately seems like a simple solution :wink:

I have exactly the same problems, check PM and let’s fix it!

I am using a Tsunami Wav trigger for an outdoor public art exhibition in display gardens that goes for 6-months, it is solar powered and needs to operate within specific hours. I am trying to get a continuous random playback of a bank of files so that the sounds are always changing, rather than having a static piece which played through on repeat. I had thought to use a simple timer to turn the system on and off but have run into some problems.

I am having two issues:

One is that I can’t seem to work out how to continuously trigger the files to play randomly rather than just once through before stopping?

I have had this set up work before but can’t get it to work this time. I’m using the stereo firmware to randomly trigger a bank of files, but can only seem to get them to trigger once, on startup(invert) or with a shorted trigger(without invert selected).

Is this possible to do this without attaching an Arudino, so that it retriggers automatically?

The second issue is that powering off the system to click before having to manually reset. Is this a power supply issue? should I simply run them separately an only put the timer on the amp, functionally leaving the Tsunami on 24/7

The site is quite far away and I can’t manually restart every day.

Appreciate any advice!

1 - use the configurator https://robertsonics.com/tsunami-user-guide/ mentiuoned in step 5

2 - Powering them separately seems like a simple solution :wink:

The random function doesn’t seem to work when the unit is self triggering, it only works when an external signal is used.

I think this is a bug, is there any way of verifying this and reporting it to Robertsonics?

I can do any tests you require, just let me know! Here or instruments@araya.se

I love this Waveplayer and it would be even more awesome if this would work correctly!


You could try sending him a private message memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=2066 with a link to this topic and see if that bears any fruit


1 - use the configurator https://robertsonics.com/tsunami-user-guide/ mentiuoned in step 5

2 - Powering them separately seems like a simple solution :wink:

The random function doesn’t seem to work when the unit is self triggering, it only works when an external signal is used.

I think this is a bug, is there any way of verifying this and reporting it to Robertsonics?

I can do any tests you require, just let me know! Here or instruments@araya.se

I love this Waveplayer and it would be even more awesome if this would work correctly!


Thanks everyone for the advice!!

Got it working :smiley:

Solved the auto start by using type LATCH and INVERT Checked (w/ contact closure as the hardware interface). This starts the player automatically on start up without external triggers or shorting a trigger. I used the mono firmware version and the random function with two banks.

Polyphonic checked, Lock voice checked (Loop is greyed with Latch)

Took a while but once I got it, worked like a charm.

Here is the init file:

#TRIG 01, 202, 0, 0, 4, 1, 6

#TRIG 02, 202, 0, 0, 4, 7, 13

Have started editing the init directly in the text edit file for tweaks rather than always using the configurator.

Once you start to work out what the codes stand for. Although, would be wonderful to get Robertsonic’s list of the codes. :mrgreen: :wink:

Thanks again. Hope this helps.