Some time ago I bought a few UBW boards to play with. Connecting is easy; just plug in the USB cable and the LED’s start blinking. The UBW reacts to my keypresses. The problem is: how do I communicate with the UBW?
I use Slackware 12.2. When plugged in, the UBW creates /dev/ttyACM0. I log in to it as root with minicom. But then the trouble starts: which baudrate to choose?
I tried 9600 8N1, 19k2 8N1 and some more. Local echo on/off, add linefeed on/off but I get no response to my ‘V’ commands.
Any help would be appreciated.
In the mean time I tried it on my notebook running Slack 12.2 as well. It worked immediately. All commands seem to function.
For all others with similar future problems:
device = /dev/ttyACMx where ‘x’ = [0, 1]
baudrate = 9600 8N1
make sure you are member of the ‘uucp’ group
Next is: how to access the device in bootloader mode.
Note that with the UBW (and all other CDC ACM type USB connections that don’t use a real UART), the baud rate, stop/start bits, and parity settings are completely ignored. No matter what you set them to, it should work just fine.