I am currently trying to link two ATMEGA 16’s with the UM 96. I am having issues getting it to work one way. I have jumper E shorted for nonparity and the reset and sleep pins tied high.

I know the code is working since I can hard wire the devices together and I can actually do a count down and it displays.

Eventually I will need to send PORTA, PORTB, and PORTC then get PORTD.7.

UART code

// USART initialization

// Communication Parameters: 8 Data, 1 Stop, No Parity

// USART Receiver: On

// USART Transmitter: On

// USART Mode: Asynchronous

// USART Baud rate: 9600






My code for the one board is





The other board code is



PORTB = getchar();


I know you’ve probably not made this mistake anyway – but just to be double sure – are you driving/reading the TTL level conenctions on the modem card and not the RS232-level ones by mistake?

Are the cards on the same channel?

Is there some other RF signal in your environment that might be masking the signal or swamping the modem receivers?

I am assuming the wireless modules are setup correctly with channels and data type since I have put only jumpers on E to have non-parity data sent. I also know that the modules are responding since I hook them up to my computers serial port and UM96V10 shows up.

There is always a possibility that there is a signal swamping the wireless signal but they are in close proximity 1 foot. I am sure the data being sent is in TTL level.

I read the data sheet a little more detailed and have found out that a few things are conflicting. The sleep and reset pin appear to be active low in the pen layout but from the text I am now thinking that the reset is active low and the sleep pin is active high.

For anyone wondering what I am talking about

active high means the function of the pin will be enabled when a logic high is applied (5V in this project)

active low means the function will begin when a low singal is applied (ground or 0V)

I think a charecter length has to be sent for this system to work so an ASCII charecter would work but does not need to be ACII just a 8 bit data packet. The ATMEGA on the wireless board should work is the same way my micro works it waits for valid 8 bit data to arrive a flag is set and the function begins.

I am now wondering what frequency it is operating at.

Good news I have it working. I am thinking as long as you have an 8 bit char data will be transmitted. Now all I have to do is figure out the data transfer flow chart.

What I need to do for 1 board is

send data from PINA

send data from PINB

send data from PINC

get data from other board

the 2 board

get data put to PORTA

get data put to PORTB

get data put to PORTC

send data from PIND

I appreciate the help I got from this tread and the one other thread.