Unable to connect ESP32 to ZED F9P with arduino IDE

I followed the tutorial https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/ho … p-option-2 and whenever I run the code I keep getting error “u-blox GNSS not detected at default I2C address. Please check wiring. Freezing.”

The GPS works perfectly and when they’re connected the lights “fence” “rtk” and “pwr” light up. On the ESP32 “pwr” lights up. I tried different examples and they all get the same error. Has anyone else encountered this issue?

Sometimes this is due to pull-up resistance on the i2c lines; you might want to try disabling the pull up resistors on the F9P by cutting the traces between the “i2c” pads https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/gp … e-overview and see if it is then appearing on the bus (you can always reverse this by placing a solder blob to re-connect the pads)

{quote=maxman101100 post_id=247861 time=1710345457 user_id=83283]

I followed the tutorial https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/ho … p-option-2 and whenever I run the code I keep getting error “u-blox GNSS not detected at default I2C address. Please check wiring. Freezing.”

The GPS works perfectly and when they’re connected the lights “fence” “rtk” and “pwr” light up. On the ESP32 “pwr” lights up. I tried different examples and they all get the same error. Has anyone else encountered this issue?


Yes, having the same issue. I purchased the SparkFun GPS-RTK-SMA Kit and the SparkFun Thing Plus - ESP32 WROOM (USB-C)

Same issue. I have tried multiple example sketches using both the v2 and v3 Sparkfun u-blox GNSS libraries:

u-blox GNSS not detected at default I2C address. Please check wiring. Freezing.