ESP32 Wroom + zed-F9P RTK Firmware


So I have a Sparkfun zed-f9p which I had for quite some time and been very happy with it.
Now I want to connect to a SparkFun Thing Plus - ESP32 WROOM USB - C and use the RTK Firmware.

I was hoping to able to just connect with QWIIC, it works so for as I have a connection between the f9p and ESP32.
But I don’t get any NMEA messages over to the ESP32.
I’ve made sure that the UBX-protocol is enabled for the I2C, but it makes the ESP32 freeze.

I’ve startet to suspect that I need to connect in some other fasion.
Am I correct?
In that case how should I connect the f9p to the ESP 32?

Thanks in advance!

Hook up the f9p and use u-center (from u-blox) to enable the i2c/qwiic output of NMEA msgs to ensure it is outputting the desired settings

You can use something like esp-idf/examples/peripherals/i2c/i2c_tools at bdb9f972c6a1f1c5ca50b1be2e7211ec7c24e881 · espressif/esp-idf · GitHub (or MANY others available elsewhere) to read/configure the i2c port on the esp32

Then match their settings and you should be good to go! (If you still have trouble with i2c you could also try to use the UART pins instead of i2c)

I would also note that if you’re trying to use the RTK firmware from the surveyor devices on the F9P + ESP32 it wouldn’t work as-is due to the circuits/interfaces that the surveyor models have (but in theory it could work with lots of modifications to the firmware)

Thank you for answer Russell!

After reading your post and digging through the source code for awhile I decided to just solder the pins TX/RX pins from the zed to the ESP32.

Now it works great, however had to change the pin for SD card in code.

To be honest, I love the sparkfun products and the community.
If wouldn’t have had the zed-f9p already I would have bought a facet.