unable to find QwiicserLCD.h

Trying to run OpenLCD-lib SPI test in Arduino IDE but QwiicserLCD.h is apparently not provided. I have not seen this before as example files on the IDE have always included associated ‘h’ files in my experience.

Can you show your code?

Can you provide a link to the LCD you’re using?

Also, this may fix your problem:

https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/in … no-library


I was trying to run the example code OpenLCD_LIB_SPL_TEST.ino contained in Arduino/Examples/Sparkfun serLCD Arduino Library/Test/…

Usually in these examples Arduino supplies the necessary header files.

In this case, if you attempt to run the example, this h file (Quiic SerLCD.h) is not available.

I am using the Sparkfun product code 16398. Sparkfun 20x4 SerLCD RGB Backlight (QWIIC)


#include <QwiicSerLCD.h>. this file is not available

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

SoftwareSerial mySerial(6, 7); //RX, TX

byte counter = 0;

byte contrast = 10;

// initialize the library

QwiicSerLCD lcd;

void setup()


Serial.begin(9600); //Start serial communication at 9600 for debug statements

Serial.println(“OpenLCD Example Code”);

mySerial.begin(9600); //Start communication with OpenLCD


//Send contrast setting

// mySerial.write(‘|’); //Put LCD into setting mode

// mySerial.write(24); //Send contrast command

// mySerial.write(contrast);



void loop()


//Send the clear command to the display - this returns the cursor to the beginning of the display

// mySerial.write(‘|’); //Setting character

// mySerial.write(‘-’); //Clear display


//mySerial.print("Hello World! Counter: "); //For 16x2 LCD

//mySerial.print("Hello World! Counter: "); //For 20x4 LCD

lcd.print("Hello World! Counter: "); //For 20x4 LCD



// mySerial.print(millis()/1000);

delay(250); //Hang out for a bit


You have to install the library in arduino properly before you can use it. Directions on how to do that are in my previous post.