Unable to scan a small 2D Matrix Code with 2D Scanner DE2120


I am trying to read a small 2d matrix code on a PCB. I configured it to read such codes with the commands mentioned in the manual and confirmed it by printing a bigger matrix on paper.

I enabled flipping and turned the light of the scanner on and off and tried any orientation and distance possible, but except once, I was not able to scan it again(I have no idea why it worked once).

The code is 2mm squared.

Is there something else I need to configure to scan small codes reliably?

My first guess is that the silkscreen on the PCB might be too poorly defined for the scan to register…does it work normally/as expected with regular printed codes? It sounds like it does…(can test on any barcode, settings manual, or similar/etc)

2mm is also pretty small altogether for a silkscreen…do you have the option to increase its size by chance?

It does work on a printed code that’s a little bigger, so I assume the scanner is configured correctly, but I might still be missing something.

I, unfortunately, do not have the option to increase its size.

I am not sure if the silkscreen is the issue.

I could scan the same code with a different scanner (Honeywell 1900GHD) without much trouble.