I’ve recently assembled several cables that go from a Sparkfun and/or Ardusimple XBee/Serial breakout board to a Deutsch DTM plug for sending NTRIP corrections to my autosteer systems. They work great but the Serial breakout board is bulky and requires external power (that I get from the DTM plug). Is there a way to use the XBEE Exlporer USB-C to do this with less cabling? Basically, can I convert/adapt/rewire a USB C cable and put a Deutsch DTM plug on one end that gets 12v power (too much?) and sends/receives data?
Not directly, that board is 5.5v or so max https://cdn.sparkfun.com/assets/b/e/f/6/a/22043_SparkFun_Digi_XBee_Explorer_USB-C_Schematic.pdf (whereas the serial breakout can use 12v)
You could probably use a stepdown converter in-between to pump 5v, but that doesn’t do much to get rid of bulkiness :-/