Use LumiDrive with Arduino?

I cannot find a board file for LumiDrive to use with Arduino. CircuitPython won’t work for my use case.

Can a different board file be used? I used the Redboard Turbo since that also uses SAMD21 but so far no luck. Not sure if the pin names will be the same for LumiDrive versus Redboard or other, but I also can’t find a listing of pin names. The schematic files on Github call out the um processor pins, the pads, and the names, but none of the above seem to be right to actually put into an Arduino sketch and blink an led.

Would love some support from the Sparkfun team here!


Read the hookup guide, that will likely clear things up for you.

Thanks, but I have read the hookup guide - it’s for CircuitPython, which works but since this board runs out of memory when the IMU libraries are added (Adafruit board says they just can’t run on M0 using CircuitPython) I’d like to attempt running on Arduino instead. However this information does not exist (as far as I can find).

PS have also read the hookup guide for the Redboard Turbo, since it is also a SAMD21 board, but as I mentioned, the Arduino instructions/pins do not seem to work using this board profile with the LumiDrive board.

Did you notice the big blue box at … ample-code that talks about using the LumiDrive with Arduino?

Has anyone figured this out? I still have not had luck even after updating the LED pinouts in the arduino code from 16/17 to 27/28 in line with the lumidrive schematics.

Yes there is a guide but it seems to be that there are disconnects between it and actuality. Other sites are saying that Arduino won’t work because the board memory is filled by libraries that the arduino uses. I can’t imagine this is the case but I also can’t get LEDs to work. Maybe my brightness is low? Maybe my pinout is wrong?