Use OpenLog Artemis with a non autodetected QWIIC sensor

Hello all.

I’m using the OpenLog Artemis for a sensing platform, and some of the sensors I’m using have QWIIC ports, but are not in the OLA’s auto detect library (notably the BME680 and ZIO I2C PM2.5 sensor). How do I log with them? Thank you so much.

Unless you write your own custom firmware, you can’t. That product can only log qwiic devices that it’s firmware knows about.

You could connect both sensors to an arduino and write a sketch that outputs sensor data serially and then log that.

Forgive me for my naivety, but how how hard would it be to edit the OLA firmware for the sensors I want to use? I imagine the code basically pulls from an i2c address dictionary, and then runs openlog code.

Hi @MaxFreedman,

Adding new sensors is “straight forward”. I think that’s the best way to describe it…! But you do need to be familiar with Arduino and C and you do need to have all of the sensor Arduino Libraries plus SdFat installed. Details are here: …

The code itself is here: … og_Artemis

The library list is included in the code: … #L285-L312

Please note: … is.ino#L14

Just FYI, we will be releasing a new framework early next year which will make it much easier to add new devices. The BME680 is already included and we will be adding support for the SEN54 particle + VOC sensor.

I hope this helps,


Hi @MaxFreedman,

Adding new sensors is “straight forward”. I think that’s the best way to describe it…! But you do need to be familiar with Arduino and C and you do need to have all of the sensor Arduino Libraries plus SdFat installed. Details are here: …

The code itself is here: … og_Artemis

The library list is included in the code: … #L285-L312

Please note: … is.ino#L14

Just FYI, we will be releasing a new framework early next year which will make it much easier to add new devices. The BME680 is already included and we will be adding support for the SEN54 particle + VOC sensor.

I hope this helps,


Hi Paul.

A couple of quick questions if it’s ok…

  1. is there a planned or even provisional released date for the new framework?

  2. is there a provisional list of auto detected sensors?

and lastly …

  1. are there any expanded IMU / accelerometer options on the list (ADXL375 or something similar for instance) - I need high G :smiley:



Any update on the new framework with the BME680/688 added? I just received an Artemis logger and it doesn’t recognize the BME688.



Hi Geoff,

The product running the new framework is the DataLogger IoT 9-DoF. The firmware will auto-detect the BME680 and BME688:

Best wishes,


Is the Artemis logger on the list for update or is it frozen at this time?

Hi Geoff,

It’s fair to say that the OLA firmware is “stable”, not frozen… We do update it if something important comes up, but we are a small team working on many different projects and we don’t have time to keep the firmware as up to date as we’d like. It really helps if you can add support for the sensor yourself, get it working and then send us a “Pull Request”. You can find details here ( … ) and here ( … ). Or, please open a “Feature Request” issue ( ) and we’ll get to it when time permits.

