I’m trying to hook up 8 SparkFun micro pressure sensors (BMP581) to a Qwiic 8ch mux to a sparkfun OpenLog Artemis (DEV-16832). I noticed this sensor was not supported by default and was wondering how I might be able to log 8 of these to a CSV file without changing the functionality of the logger. The Artemis is able to detect the mux (at address 0x70), but not the sensors-- it says that an unknown device was detected at their default address 0x47. Are there plans to add support for the BMP581?
Any alternate approaches would be appreciated as well; such as creating a new script that does all this from scratch. I tried running some basic example code like Blink, and they upload successfully but don’t blink. Are there extra steps I’m missing in order to initialize the Artemis in void setup()? Thank you!