Using Datalogger IOT with MAX30101 & MAX32664 and Triple Axis Accelerometer Breakout

I am working on a project to gather biometric data using the Sparkfun Triple Axis Accelerometer Breakout and Sparkfun Oximeter and Heart Rate Sensor - MAX30101 & MAX32664. I am trying to collect and transmit the data on the SparkFun DataLogger IoT. Is it possible to power the accelerometer board with the IOT? I have purchased two accelerometer boards but both of them are not transmitting any data to the IOT board or showing up as connected devices.

Also, is it possible to power the two hardwired connections on the Oximeter board from the IOT Board?

Yes, but you need to have only one active set of pull-up resistors on a single bus

Are the sensors’ LEDs lighting up?

Could you explain what you mean by “one active set of pull-up resistors on a single bus”?

Yes the LEDs are lighting up.

Not seeing the “Triple Axis Accelerometer Breakout” on the list of supported devices so that’s probably why that isn’t working.

Does the biometric sensor work? It’s on the supported list on the product page but not on the list in the hookup guide. Wondering if sparkfun has a typo in one page or the other.