Using external power for ProRF board

I’m trying to use the Sparkfun ProRF board in a sensor, not connected to my computer via USB. I’ve got an external power source that powers the board via the RAW connection. When I power it up it just hangs and does nothing (red power light is ON). My software environment is the Arduino IDE and I’m just running the OTAA Hello World application for testing. I believe the problem is all the Serial USB calls in this application. Has anyone been able to use the ProRF successfully with external power and no attached USB? Did you have to take out all the SerialUSB calls? Am I missing something else?

Most likely if you’re making SerialUSB calls with no USB attached then there could be issues. Can you share detailed pictures of your setup?

So replacing all the SerialUSB calls with Serial calls did the trick and it’s now working on external power.

A note: if you have a program with Serial calls you need to be careful to not turn on the Serial Monitor option in the Arduino IDE. Doing that causes the Sparkfun ProRF board to disconnect from the USB port and you can’t re-connect the board to the port/IDE until you reset the board by double clicking on the reset switch located across the board from the power switch.