Using VL53L1X measurement to trigger leds on DataLogger IoT

I’m getting measurement data saved to the SD card and streamed to AWS but I would like to trigger leds to light up based on a maximum distance reading. From what I’ve read the datalogger firmware shouldn’t be overwritten as I would obviously loose all IoT capability. I don’t see any tutorials or other projects that use the datalogger to actually do stuff with the data it logs. How would I achieve my led dreams? Is there a place to add custom code that doesn’t overwrite the main FW?

You’d need to either overwrite the firmware as you’ve mentioned, or just use a separate MCU to perform non-logging functions (that Datalogger board is purely focused on serial data & cloud integrations)

If I needed to flash new fw do u have an idea of what board I could use in arduino ide? I see some Thing esp32 boards in the esp board library.