Hi All,
I’m looking for a GPS that can update velocity (including vertical velocity) at > 1 Hz. The uBlox units spec’s say that the measured navigation message output is always resolved to a “1 second” boundary. Does anyone use a uBlox GPS and use the “NAV” messages, including the NED velocitys at > 1 Hz?
I do know a Garmin 18x 5Hz will output measured 3D velocities at 5 Hz, but I’d really rather not have that magnet close to a 9DOF measurement card!
I have a u-blox EVK-6T (which uses the LEA-6T chip). I’ve gotten 10hz updates out of it with no problems. It’ll also output raw data, which is very nifty for post processing against reference stations for centimeter level accuracy.
I have a u-blox EVK-6T (which uses the LEA-6T chip). I’ve gotten 10hz updates out of it with no problems. It’ll also output raw data, which is very nifty for post processing against reference stations for centimeter level accuracy.
astrodanco, if you still receive replies from this blog, would you please reply to me? I have a EVK-6T which I had hoped to use as the rover with RTKLib 2.4.1. I’m using an NTRIP Caster for the Corrections input. I’ve not ben able to get any solutions so far and wonder if I have RTKLib and the EVK-6T configured correctly. u-center has no problem getting data from the EVK-6T.
If you would be willing to cross-check my configuration, I’d be grateful.
Thanks - Mark