Want to build intelligent "thumb drive" (USB storage)


Our company has Windows security software that controls/audits USB external storage devices.

We want to build our own USB storage device that has a micro-controller on it that performs a handshake with the Windows security software when the USB storage device is plugged in (to the USB port on the Windows computer).

The result of the handshake will tell whether the device should mount to the Windows OS (so the end-user can read/write to the storage…preferably using the standard USB drivers available on the OS) or to not mount the device.

We are looking for the hardware boards/chips which will get us close to what we want to build.

We will also need to be able to program the micro-controller and wish to have some “private persistent storage/memory” on the device to store some state information (estimate 256K).

Ideally, we want USB 3.1 interface and a minimum of 1GB storage available to the end-user.

Thank you in advance for any suggestions/advice on what components we should be looking at.

Tony LaMark

I am pretty sure, this is outside of our scope. Based on this, “USB 3.1 interface and a minimum of 1GB storage available” you may want to contact a contract hardware engineering firm.

Maybe someone in the community has some recommendations.