WAV Trigger firmware flashing under Linux

I’ve just purchased a Wav Trigger.

I’ve looked through the Robertsonics resources, and found that there are firmware flashing tools for Win and OSX, but not Linux. Are there any alternatives to do this under Linux? Could I use the ST software to upload the firmware HEX file?

Thanks for any advice!

Cheers, Paul

From the RoberSonic’s webpage https://robertsonics.com/2017/11/26/new … maker-app/:

After doing some research into distributing Linux executables, I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s not practical to provide a ready-to-run Linux app that will run on all distros and machines. For those of you who want to run this utility on Linux, it’s not that hard, but you do have to download JUCE, install some dev packages, and then run make on the source project. I’ve included a link to the project’s source github repo on the download pages. When I get time, I’ll write up a step-by-step guide on how to do this (at least for Ubuntu) and include it in the repo’s readme.

It sounds like that’d be your path forward - hope this helps!

Thanks TS-Russell! I’ve just taken a look at the link you’ve shared, but the blog post is about the configuration utility. My question, however, was about the flashing updated firmware to the device. I just wondered if I could use the “official” ST MIcro developer software to do the flashing, or if there was something special about the Robertsonic flash utility.

I assume so, but we officially recommend using the RobertSonic version/steps to avoid potential compatibility issues (hardware gremlins!) - but you could always give it a try and report your results here :smiley:

I assume so, but we officially recommend using the RobertSonic version/steps to avoid potential compatibility issues (hardware gremlins!) - but you could always give it a try and report your results here :smiley:

Yes, I could :sunglasses: What’s the worst that could happen?

Might have a shot over the weekend… fingers crossed!