Wav trigger - no sounds

I’ve looked over all the troubleshooting material I can find.

Slow red blinking LED.

Switch is in run position.

SD card is V10 32 GB, but I’ve also tried a 2 GB card.

Renamed files to 001.wav, etc. Tried with just one file.

Audio amp is checked.

I power cycled between each change.

So far neither button nor trigger produces any sound.

Thanks for any help you can offer.


Also ensure there is 0 metadata for the file (image, info, etc)…you can use audacity to strip it out (or use the ones here https://cdn.sparkfun.com/assets/learn_t … umbers.zip and that the files is in to root directory of the SD card

There are more things it could be listed on pg 14 here https://cdn.sparkfun.com/assets/1/c/9/a … 230114.pdf - be sure to rule those out too

Here’s our guide https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/wa … #operation as well

Thanks so much for the advice. I had saved the files without metadata, but something must have crept in. I ran everything through Audacity and it works a treat now.
