WAV Trigger

I have recorded my voice in the WAV format onto a micro SDHC (4 GB) card and inserted that card into my WAV Trigger board. I am powering the WAV Trigger board with a Wall Adapter Power Supply - 9VDC, 650mA (Barrel Jack) that I bought from SparkFun when I ordered the WAV Trigger board. I have my speaker plugged into the audio jack on the WAV Trigger board. I have the run/load switch in the run position. I see that the red LED light (in the bottom right hand corner of the WAV Trigger board) is blinking about every 3 seconds when I power the WAV Trigger board. When I press the T1 button (next to the micro SD slot), it is not triggering the first (and only) track on my micro SDHC card (which is my voice recording). I have tested this micro SDHC card on 2 different Windows laptop computers to make sure that my voice recording is in a WAV format and to make sure that it does play my voice recording. Both Windows laptop computers show that my voice recording is in the WAV format, and both Windows laptop computers play my voice recording. I am not sure why the WAV Trigger board is not playing my voice recording. I would appreciate any advice that anyone might offer. Thank you for your time.

Yes, double check your audio file properties.

Better yet, test using the provided files linked in the hookup guide (NewNumbers.zip):

https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/wa … -guide-v11

Also in the hook guide are some dos and don’ts about SD cards