WAV Trigger, trigger input not responding correctly

I had purchased the WAV Trigger on purchase order 6614728 on 2023-03-28, I finally got around to working with it this last winter of 2023/2024. I am having an issue with trigger # 9. It is not triggering properly. It was randomly triggering or would not trigger when I pressed the button I had attached to it that was connected to ground. I measured the voltages on all the trigger inputs, trigger # 9 would measure somewhere between 0.487 and 0.693 volts. All the other trigger inputs measured 3.273 volts as I would have expected. I added a 10K ohm pull up resister to trigger # 9, but the voltage on the pin was still as before around 0.493 volts. Is there anything I can do to get a replacement?

Not with it being such an old order (we do offer 30-day warranty on all items https://www.sparkfun.com/returns)

But with it being that old, and used it’d be very difficult to rule out environmental and user-caused errors :-/

Side note: in the photo it looks like maybe a resistor is burnt up that could be replaced?

I would test that area and just replace that lil fella if needed