What are Different Between BlueSMiRF Models

What are Different Between


2- BlueSMiRF Gold

3- - BlueSMiRF Silver

The [BlueSMiRF RP-SMA and [BlueSMiRF Gold are the same except the RP-SMA has a connection for an antenna

(for potentially greater range) and the Gold has a built-in antenna (the little blue block). Now the [BlueSMiRF Silver

is cheaper than the other two because it uses Sparkfun’s own bluetooth module but it may have a different

command set to the other two also… :? (not sure, have a look)](Bluetooth Modem - BlueSMiRF Gold (Old-School) - WRL-00582 - SparkFun Electronics)](Bluetooth Modem - BlueSMiRF Gold (Old-School) - WRL-00582 - SparkFun Electronics)](http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/product_info.php?products_id=158)